by Sister Agnes Fischer
When Jesus calls us to be his disciples he expects us to respond immediately without looking back. Sure, we're willing to walk with Him ...
So, are we ready to walk with Jesus wherever he leads us?
chapter 19,
US Catholic Catechism for Adults
by Sister Mary Kabat
We know of Jesus' compassion for the sick and the many stories of his touching, speaking words of comfort and healing the sick. Jesus came to heal the whole person, body and soul. His words, "Your sins are forgiven" were as transforming as his words, "Pick up your mat and walk."
The Church, in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick through the ministry of a priest, brings Jesus' forgiveness, comfort, peace and healing to the sick. The sacrament is for anyone suffering a serious illness, anticipating surgery or frail from old age or chronic illness. There is no need to wait until a person is near death to receive the sacrament.
During the celebration of the sacrament the person's forehead and hands are anointed and liturgical prayers asked for the strength, peace and courage the person needs. The hoped for effect is physical healing but other effects include uniting the person's suffering with the passion of Christ, strength to endure the sufferings of illness or age, forgiveness of sins and preparation for the journey from this life to life with God in heaven.
Lord Jesus Christ, look with compassion upon your servants whom we have anointed in your name with this holy oil for the healing of their body and spirit. -- Pastoral Care of the Sick