Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Feb. 23, 2025

Reflection for Feb. 23, 2025

The difficulties of the mature Christian life

We are called to overcome hatred with love and justice

by Sister Francis Bangert

Sunday we are again presented with important lessons for living a mature Christian life. The message is not with the usual sweet, comforting words but with challenging actions. Our teachers are David in the Old Testament and Jesus in the Gospel of Luke.

In the first reading, David is given the chance to kill King Saul who, in ruthless jealousy, is pursuing David. David rises above the violent act of murder choosing instead to act respecting “the Lord’s anointed”. A life is saved. This kind of nonviolent action appears again in the Gospel. Jesus teaches by word and later by His own example that when confronted by hatred, hostility, the "enemy", one should act in such a way that will disarm the offender. To do this is to imitate the Holy One, who sends the sun and rain to fall on the just and the unjust: to imitate the Most High, Pure Love, who is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.

This is a tall order from our Leader. We all recognize our usual behaviors when we are unjustly attacked or criticized for our ideas, opinions, or actions.  How do we begin to take on the mind and heart of Jesus and shape a kingdom of justice and peace? For a start:

  • cling to Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life
  • release all bitterness and the need to be right
  • release the need to hate, to harbor division,    to seek revenge
  • embrace truth, humility and respect for the other which lead to peace and unity
  • give voice to unjust systems that keep persons in bondage

Gilbert Keith Chesterton, (1874-1936) noted English writer, philosopher, and lay theologian once wrote:

“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting  ...
It has been found difficult ... and left untried.”

Perhaps an upcoming Lenten resolution might be to explore how each of us still need to grow in order to be a mature Christian?

Originally published 2/20/22


02/21/2025 7:05 am

Well said and tough to do.

02/21/2025 8:07 am

Thank You Sister Francis , well written.

Sister Laura Zelten
02/21/2025 9:15 am

Thanks Sr Fran. Well said, great examples and now to put it into action.

02/21/2025 11:41 am

I agree with Al. Here is an example why forgiveness and love of neighbor is difficult for me at times: This month 70 Christians in a small village in the Congo, were rounded up by Ugandan Islamists, brought to a church, tied up and beheaded or killed using machetes and hammers. Pray for them and for me as I struggle to forgive these butchers.

Nancy Lee Arts
02/21/2025 2:23 pm

Thanks to all of the Sisters for their writings.

I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the 2025 Newsletter I just received. Reading it I realized how the Diocese of Green Bay Bishops for many years have encouraged the Sisters of St. Francis and their service efforts. God Bless all of you and the gifts you share with those in need. Thank You.

02/22/2025 4:14 pm

Thank you for this very good reflection. Yes, this is a tall order from our Leader. Your list is a good examination of conscience. I really like the quote from GK Chesterton!

Sally Ann Brickner
02/22/2025 4:41 pm

"Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you." It took me a long time to differentiate between person and policy, to understand that it was not the person that I hated but the policy that I abhorred. Coming to that understanding enabled me to pray more readily for the person and not make cutting remarks about them. Nonetheless, it is extremely difficult when policies seem so unjust in their effects on the poor and vulnerable. So, advocacy must be relentless!

02/23/2025 1:58 pm

Thanks Sister Francis! Tough time when bitterness is against your government leadership, or lack thereof. Faith that the Spirit IS at work is challenged!

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