Anti-Human Trafficking Parish Toolkit
The national Leadership Conference of Women Religious resolved in 2001 and in 2012 to end human trafficking through education and action. In Wisconsin, Sisters are fulfilling this commitment by:
- Promoting the national hotline number on billboards and buses in Milwaukee, Oshkosh and Green Bay -- a known human trafficking route between Chicago and the Twin Cities
- Preparing a parish-based toolkit to be used in adult faith formation, social concerns groups and interfaith dialogues, to name a few. All toolkits have been distributed; however, most of the materials are available in an electronic format. See below.
The parish toolkit contains these materials:
- Cover letter from LCWR-Wisconsin Region President Sister Pat Cormack
- Letter of support from Wisconsin's Bishops
- Resources
- Wisconsin-based anti-human trafficking speakers, advocacy groups, websites, videos, etc.
- National hotlines, governmental and non-governmental agencies (MS-Word document)
- Reading, prayer and volunteer resources
- Infographics -- A snapshot of
- Powerpoint presentation (slides on PDF format) which defines human trafficking, what industries are often connected to it, Catholic Social Teaching of human trafficking, how prevalent labor and sex trafficking are in Wisconsin and recommended resources. Speaker's notes included (see yellow bubble in upper left corner on Internet Explorer and Firefox)
- Hotline cards to be distributed in parish gathering spaces or circulated where victims might see them (hotels, truck stops, doctor's office, ER, shopping malls, restaurants/bars, etc.)
- Videos
- "Chosen" -- a 20-minute documentary created by Shared Hope International. Two "All-American" teen girls share their experience of being tricked into sex trafficking. DVD includes discussion guides to precede and follow showing. The 2-minute trailer is available online and the disc is available for purchase.
- "What Does Trafficking Look Like In Wisconsin?" is a presentation coordinated by Sister Celine Goessl, SCSC, featuring a number of resource persons familiar with the Wisconsin experience. The video is not online but the Facilitator's Guide is.
- "A Light Piercing the Darkness of Human Trafficking," Sister Celine Goessl, SCSC, 2016 presentation on human trafficking. This video is available upon request (shipping and handling donations accepted). Contact Sister Celine at or 715-457-5649.
- Tourism Child-Protection Code of Conduct (when traveling, ask if the establishment has joined The Code).
All toolkits were distributed to Wisconsin parishes in 2016. At this time there are no plans or dollars to generate more kits. You're invited to use the resources listed above. Questions? Contact
All materials are copyright or used with permission from the copyright holder.