Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Jan. 23, 2022

Reflection for Jan. 23, 2022

Sharing the good news of Jesus

The Holy Spirit  is the heart of  furthering Jesus' mission

by Sister Laura Zelten

In Sunday’s Gospel Jesus returns to His native town, Nazareth. Filled with the power of the Holy Spirit He preaches in the synagogue. Reading from the prophet Isaiah He announces the good news of His mission. All spoke highly of Him and were amazed by His words.

At Baptism we, too, received the power of the Holy Spirit and the mission of Jesus. All we need is to open our hearts and make room for the power of the Holy Spirit.

In our world today poverty, captivity, blindness, and oppression still exist. Let us ask ourselves:  How are we called to make a difference? As we look for solutions to these challenges in our society let us ask the Holy Spirit to empower us.

As disciples, the mission of Jesus is our mission. May we bring the Good News to others by the lives we live.


01/21/2022 8:59 am

Thank you, Sr. Laura, for the reminder to open our hearts allowing the Holy Spirit to shine through us with loving kindness and forgiveness. Jesus is with us and within us.

Irene Whatley
01/21/2022 9:57 am

I am hoping that after this latest setback I can again get with family and friends to do whatever I can. After being fully vaccinated and boosted I had a positive virus result. I truly think it was a false positive. I hadn’t been anywhere.

All I can do is talk and encourage family to pray and not give up hope.

Sr. Rose Jochmann
01/22/2022 4:42 pm

Thanks, Laura, for the reminders about our Baptism and the gift of the Spririt.

Rev. William J. Jacobs, Jr.
01/24/2022 2:53 pm

Thanks much, Sister!

I loved your comment that He was not alone. We are never alone - HE is always with us. People say nothing is the same same the Pandemic started - I say, "Oh yes there is! "He will always be the same...." "Always with us!"

God Bless!

Father Bill

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