Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for March 23, 2025

Reflection for March 23, 2025

Called by name

Friendship with God precedes service to  others

by Sister Elise Cholewinski

Another Sister and I had received tickets to a Packers game. Enjoying the game from our seats in the end zone, we became a little annoyed by the two men sitting in front of us. They were jumping up and down and yelling at almost every play, and eventually one of them began to use some vulgar language. His friend then warned him, “Hey, be careful what you say. I think those are church ladies behind us.” At that point we interrupted them and told them who we were. They likewise introduced themselves. We discovered that they actually knew some members of our families. The simple exchanging of name led to a new dimension of relationship.

In the first reading for this Sunday’s liturgy Moses meets God at the sacred space of the burning bush. Reluctant to respond to God’s call to free the Israelites from slavery, Moses insists that the people won’t believe him because they won’t know who sent him. God then reveals His Name to Moses, who now enters into a deep personal friendship with God. On the basis of that new relationship Moses will fulfill God’s request.

Lent is a good time to establish a sacred space, a burning bush, in our homes or our hearts, where we can let ourselves be drawn into a deeper friendship with the Lord. From that relationship will flow the energy to offer ourselves to others in response to their needs. Friendship with God always precedes service to His people.

Truly, all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have become “Church ladies” and men. And before challenging us to go forth as missionary disciples, God has called each of us by name.


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