Jesus changes how we see everyone and everything
by Sister Mary Kabat
"The first day of the week, two of Jesus’ disciples were going to a village…called Emmaus." (Luke 24:13-35)
As I reflected on this Easter story from Luke’s Gospel, I was captured by all the references to physical seeing. As Jesus came up to the disciples – his faithful followers – they were prevented from recognizing him; they were looking downcast. The one they thought would redeem Israel had suffered greatly and been put to death. All their hopes in Jesus had also died on that cross.
They went on to tell their companion that women from their group reported they had seen a vision of angels at the tomb and announced that Jesus was alive. Some had gone and found things to be as the women reported, but him they did not see.
Then Jesus interpreted the Scriptures for them from Moses through the prophets. At the table he took the bread, broke it and gave it to them. In that moment, these disciples, who had obviously been at the Last Supper, had their eyes opened and Jesus vanished from their sight.
Jesus was no longer what they had wanted him to be, was no longer limited to what they had seen him to be. These two disciples had come to faith – “complete trust, strong belief based on spiritual understanding.” They hurried to proclaim their encounter with the Risen Jesus and make him known.
May your heart burn within you this Easter.
May you see with the eyes of faith.
May you proclaim the Jesus you have come to know.
Alleluia! Christ has risen! Christ has risen indeed! Alleluia!