Gospel speaks to God's true generosity
by Sister Charlene Hockers
"My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your ways my ways."
"Are you envious just because I'm generous?"
In Sunday's Gospel, all the laborers in the vineyard received the same wages regardless of how hard or how long they worked. When it came time to be paid, all received the same amount. Those who worked all day expected to receive more than those who were there for only an hour. There was a perceived inequity of the situation. Should the last workers be treated differently than the first? Does the owner have the right to be generous?
God's generosity can be given as He wills. Rather than be envious we ought to rejoice in God's infinite compassion. God wants to care equally for all who come to Him, early or late. He gives his love and mercy without measure. All are welcome!
May our ways grow to become ever more like God's. How might I imitate God's generosity in dealings with others today?
Great questions to ponder as I read this always challenging Gospel. Thank you, Sister.