Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Sunday, June 23, 2024

Reflection for Sunday, June 23, 2024

Finding calm

Life's storms are calmed by Jesus

by Sister  Mary Kabat

As a child I enjoyed the family cottage on the Bay on Point Comfort Road.  You quickly learned that the Bay had a temperament of its own.  What it was one hour is not what it might be the next.  We would shake our heads as naïve visitors would get themselves caught in dangerous waves or storms by not being aware of coming changes.

This Sunday Jesus in Mark’s Gospel (4:35-42) invites the disciples to use their boat to go to the other side of the sea.  Were the fishermen among the group concerned about a possible storm or a coming change in wind?  We don’t know.  We do know that as Jesus slept in the stern, a fierce storm comes up and all are scared for their lives.

When they wake up Jesus he commands the wind and sea to “Quiet!  Be still!”  And they did!  The disciples in awe say, “Who is this whom even wind and sea obey?”  The disciples are early in their relationship with Jesus.  They have heard amazing teaching and witnessed incredible healings.  This authority over nature is a whole new side of Jesus.  It is also learned by Job (38:1,8-11) as God addresses Job in a storm and the question left out of this passage – “Where were you when I founded the earth?”

There are storms outside us and within us.  There is one God, one Lord, one Spirit who is greater than them all, who is a cry, a prayer away.

Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?  Mark 4:41


06/21/2024 10:21 am

what a Beautiful and telling reflection you wrote. Thank You Sister Mary.

Debbie Tahany
06/21/2024 3:01 pm

Just seeing the title of your reflection made me think how you would be a perfect person to "know" the experience of how quickly a large body of water can change! Right on, my friend! Water can teach us so much...some times we forget and find we relearn certain lessons. Thanks for making this coming Sunday's liturgy insightful in anticipation!

Diann Wimmer
06/21/2024 3:23 pm

Thank you, Mary, for reference to your personal experience with the waters of the Bay. So true!

Most of all, it is so helpful to read your last observation that Jesus has power even when: " There are storms outside us and within us." I must remember this.

06/21/2024 4:12 pm

Thank you for this well developed reflection starting with your experience as a child at your family cottage on the Bay. You made a good connection with Job. Thanks for the reminder - who then is this that even the wind and sea obey.

David Daniels
06/21/2024 10:39 pm

Very appropriate article relating our Green Bay weather to this Good News! Well done!

Nancy Lee Arts
06/22/2024 12:51 pm

The changes of the lake are just like the changes in our lives. We keep moving with the flow knowing that each day we are guided by God through each daily sunrise and sunset to a beautiful life.

06/24/2024 2:37 pm

"...naïve visitors would get themselves caught in dangerous waves or storms by not being aware of coming changes."

How appropriate for Our Times:

Aren't we all "naïve visitors" on Planet Earth, getting "caught in dangerous waves [and] storms by not being aware of" or nor heeding, not only the warning signs all around us, but also the cries of the poor and most vulnerable.

Jesus, come, be-with-us once again, in all fullness and completeness of your presence.

(Written Monday, June 24, 2024, Solemnity of the Nativity of John the Baptist, he who "prepared the Way for the Lord," and he who proclaimed Jesus as the One everyone was waiting for, and the One whom we need to liste to and learn from / with.)

06/25/2024 12:24 pm

Good afternoon Sr. Mary, we had our Ultreya monthly reunion yesterday afternoon on Swan lake near Portage. Your reflection was is right on for the events around us in our lives and the world. We find inner peace and fortitude know good is always with us to calm us. Thank you. +++

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