Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Sept. 1, 2024

Reflection for Sept. 1, 2024

Grateful for the Word

Embracing Scripture as a guide for life

by Sister Lynne Marie Simonich

Whenever we hear the readings at Mass, they end with “The Word of the Lord” or “The Gospel of the Lord” and we respond “Thanks be to God.”  Ever wonder what we are thanking God for?

Our readings for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time are all about the “word”.  Moses wonders if the people will love and serve God by following God’s commandments.  James reminds us to be “doers of the word” and not only hearers.  Jesus tells the Pharisees they cling to human traditions and disregard God’s commandments. 

The words of Scripture that we hear often give us a guide for our journey through life.  The words we hear proclaimed need to be written in our hearts and acted out in our daily lives.  The words spoken to us call us to show God’s love, peace and justice to our world.  Thanks be to God!

What word or words challenge you today?


08/30/2024 10:51 am

Good one! You give us something to think about - when we say "Thanks be to God!" Thank you.

Sister Ruth Ann LaBine
08/30/2024 2:25 pm

The phrase that stands out for me is "Be DOERS of the word". Like St. Francis says, "When necessary use words."

Thanks for reflection!

Diann Wimmer
08/31/2024 1:33 pm

The Word proclaimed goes to the HEART first. Beautiful beginning.

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