Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Oct. 18, 2020

Reflection for Oct. 18, 2020

Loved, chosen, called

We are precious in God's eyes  

by Sister Rose Jochmann

As I look at this Sunday’s readings I see a theme. Each of us is loved, chosen and called by God.

The First Reading from Isaiah is addressed to each of us: “I have called you by your name, giving you a title, though you knew me not” (Is. 45:4). God has called you and me by name. We may feel insignificant out of billions of people but we are not. Each of us is one of a kind and God has a particular call for each of us.

In the Second Reading, we hear, “We know, too, brothers and sisters, beloved of God, how you were chosen. For your Gospel did not come to you in word alone, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with much conviction” (1 Thes. 1:4-5b). Each of us is beloved, loved by God. Each individual is chosen by God. What is that mission given to each in the power of the Holy Spirit? What does that mean during this time of the pandemic? How can each one of us reach out to others at this time?

In today’s Gospel when Jesus is asked about paying the census tax, he says to the Pharisees and Herodians, “Whose image is this and whose inscription?” (Matt. 22:20). Jesus asks whose image is on the coin. Whose image do you or I carry? Remember from our early religious education we memorized that we are “made in the image and likeness of God.” Each of us carries God’s image. We are to give to God what belongs to God – that means giving ourselves to God.

Take a moment this week to reflect on today’s readings. First, reflect on the fact that we have been called by name. We are loved and chosen by God. Next, what is our mission today? What is one thing, even small, that we can do? Here are some ideas:

  • Be cheerful, joyful – lift up the spirits of anyone we talk to or with whom we come in contact.
  • Notice the beauty of fall. Share it with someone.
  • Perform a small kind act for someone (a neighbor, relative), something as little as a few homemade cookies.


10/16/2020 4:09 am

One way I feel called in These Times, is to unite with others in prayer, especially with others of diversity of spiritual customs, practices, and traditions. I feel a Common Spirit, a [W]holy Presence in such gatherings. There is a Universal Bond, much bigger, more profound than any one particular sect. That, and the sincerity and authenticity of those present, is [W]holy Spirit for me.

Like you and your beautiful name, Rose, -- so 'called,' 'named,' 'chosen,' 'gifted,' 'loved,' and 'sent,' by the Triple Trinitarian Power of Life, Love, and Light -- a most beautiful, thought-provoking reflection. Thank you! :)

Father Bill jacobs
10/16/2020 7:03 am

Thank you, Dear Sister!

Wonderful thoughts on the Readings! I loved your ideas on our possible Missions for today.

God Bless you & all the Good Sisters. I miss you folks

In Christ, Father Bill

Jean Mauthe
10/16/2020 7:08 am

Thank you Sister Rose for your beautiful message and reminder. And for your beautiful smile. You brought me cheer and joy just by looking at your “love of God” smile. I will in turn try and do the same. Have a wonderful day and weekend. Bundle up! ???

10/18/2020 6:55 am

Thank you Sister Rose for the uplifting reflection! We have to be constantly reminded that we are loved by God!

10/23/2020 8:00 am

Beautiful reminder of who we truly are, and on my birthday to boot!

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