by Sister Renee Delvaux
Like Moses in the first reading and like the widow in the Gospel we are called to be persistent in prayer, that is, never to lose heart, to persevere and not be discouraged by difficulties. Moses prayed with hands upraised, unceasingly, even to the point of having his friends help hold his arms up when he was experiencing physical fatigue. And the widow’s persistence, not giving up, finally opened the door of the uncaring, unjust judge.
Persistence in prayer -– what it is NOT? It is not incessant pestering, whining, or cajoling God into action. Rather, it is patient, humble, persevering, faith-filled “staying with it for the long haul.” Do you remember how long St. Monica persevered in praying for the conversion of her son, St. Augustine? Yes, 30 years! Just how long am I willing to persevere and be persistent in prayer?
God has assured us that He does hear and answer our prayers. Lord, strengthen my faith and help me to be persistent and persevering in prayer. I do know that You answer my prayers. Please help me in my times of doubt and weakness.
In the age of "instant gratification" it can be difficult to be persistent and stick with anything for the long haul, including prayer. Thanks for reminding me about the importance of patience--well said!
Thank you, Sr. Renee, for your reminder on how to and how not to pray.
Thanks, I think of St Monica and how long she prayed and that helps me to keep going.
A gentle reminder; very well said.
Thank you, Sister Renee, I needed to be reminded to ask the Lord to strengthen my faith and be persistent and preserving in prayer.