Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Oct. 11, 2020

Reflection for Oct. 11, 2020

Waiting for a response

We are invited to the feast of all feasts; are you ready?

by Sister Mary Kabat

When I pray the Scripture readings of the day I “look” and “listen” for a word, a challenge, an encouragement to take with me for the day. However, praying the Scripture readings for this Sunday has left me with an overwhelming feeling of sadness.

In the passage from Isaiah (25:6-10a) we have the beautiful image of our loving God providing a banquet for all people, destroying the “veil” that separates us from him and each other and drying every tear. On such a day the prophet Isaiah says we will rejoice in the God who saves us. Do you long for such a day? Following the local, national and world news each day, I do!

But the Gospel for today from Matthew (22:1-14) seems to describe us, God’s children, as we are at this time. God has sent out the invitations and prepared the feast, but we don’t come. We are busy with things that seem more important and more immediate. Or we are too filled with anger and envy to hear the loving invitation. Or we give superficial acceptance of the invitation, but God can see our inner truth by our outer appearance.

St. Paul in his Letter to the Philippians (4:12-14, 19-20) offers us some wisdom for how to attend God’s banquet and how to live compassionately with all our brothers and sisters. He, through his sufferings, has learned to be content and at peace with the circumstances in which he finds himself. His heart and mind are open and accepting of God and of the people and events that come his way.

Pray these Scriptures readings and find yourself in them
     -- as you are now and
     -- as the person whom you want our saving God to transform.


Father Bill Jacobs
10/09/2020 6:20 am

Very powerful thoughts, Sister!

When I hear this reading, I'm reminded of the "save this date" cards that we get in the mail from a relative or friend who is inviting us to save that date so that when the actual Invitation comes - it will be already reserved on our Calendar.

Jesus sends us a card in today's Reading. Will we accept?

God Bless you, Sister - you got my mind working..

In God's Never-ending Love & mercy,

Father Bill

P.S. A big "Hello!" to all the Sisters - I miss you all dearly, but I have no idea at this time of when I'll be able to come home again....

Sister Laura
10/09/2020 7:57 am

Thanks Sr Mary. I pray I can be transfigured into a person who can listen intently to voice of God in the events around us and act boldly for the common good.

10/09/2020 8:34 am

A most beautiful reflection, Sr. Mary! Thank you for sharing it, and stimulating our religious imagination! So much needed in our world today!

I offer the following as a tip for everyone:

"The kingdom of heaven is within you." (Luke 17:21) The 2018-19 movie, MARY MAGDALENE, is a must-see. It is available through the public libraries (and /or video stores).

"Mary Magdalene is a 2018 biblical drama film about the woman of the same name, written by Helen Edmundson and Philippa Goslett and directed by Garth Davis. It stars Rooney Mara, Joaquin Phoenix, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Tahar Rahim."

Seeing this movie helped give expression to what I 'know to be true' inside myself. This movie understands, recognizes, and acclaims the gifted-ness of WOMAN. And especially so, as WOMAN-in-Relationship-With-JESUS.

I have just recently, too, become very attracted to the writings and person of Leo Tolstoy, and am starting with his, "THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS WITHIN YOU," 1894.

I find myself in a "new / larger / higher awareness." The brilliant beauty of a tiny, crimson oak leaf brings tears of awe and gratitude to me, as much or more-so than the brilliant beauty of the entire autumn forest. The intricate, delicate, precise and perfect shape and beauty of a tiny white or yellow or purple blossom growing from earth's floor, elicits the same overwhelming feelings of wonder, awe, joy, gratitude as does beholding the beauty of an entire flower bed.

It is as Elizabeth Barrett Browning says, "Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God, But only [s]he who sees takes off his shoes; The rest sit round and pluck blackberries."

"LORD, GO[O]D, help us to see."

10/09/2020 10:05 am

Yes, all the answers we seek are within; as we accept the invitation to come to the banquet, the feast of Life. Thank you, Sr. Mary, for the invitation.

Marlene Burton
10/09/2020 10:44 am

Yes, Sr. Mary...."God's children, as we are at this time...." And such a time in which we live, huh? At a time when our country and our world seem so broken. And yet we who have been loved by HIM will continue to hope and experience HIS healing touch, knowing HE is closest even when everything else around us would lead us to believe HE is far away.

Thank you for your sharing beautiful reflections. May we continue to share God's loving and compassionate heart with all those we meet today.

Al Herrman
10/09/2020 1:49 pm

Wonderful reflection and to the point. Has us questioning why all these earhly "things" keep getting in the way. The tough question for many of us who are "vulnerable" is how to stay close and participate and with what level of risk?

Keith M. Gonnering
10/09/2020 6:11 pm

Very Inspiring reflection Sister Mary.....Thank You !!!

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