Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for May 26, 2024

Reflection for May 26, 2024

Living God's Love

Embracing the Trinity means entering a relationship 

by Sister Charlene Hockers

God is Love -- we hear that message often, especially within the Gospel of John and also his letters. What does that mean for us? What does it have to do with Trinity?

 On this Trinity Sunday, we look to the relationship between God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The love of the Father for the Son gives us the Spirit. And we are invited into that divine relationship. God is love and we are asked to love God in return and to become part of that relationship! We join in the dance of the Trinity.

 Through our life of discipleship, we take on identity as children of God, to share in the life of the Trinity. We are called to share in this life of grace.

Glory and praise to our Trinitarian God!


Diann Wimmer
05/24/2024 10:44 am

Thank you, Charlene, for your helpful reminder that the Trinity is about relationship. Your words invited me to examine my own relationships and build them upon the example of the Trinity.

Blessings as we move into Ordinary Time.

Sr Laura
05/24/2024 11:08 am

Thank you for the lovely relationship in the Holy Trinity. I appreciate your images of discipleship, grace and one-ness.

05/26/2024 6:44 pm

Thank you for the loving reflection!

05/28/2024 9:46 am

Thank you for your reflection on the Trinity. Thank you for the reminder that the Trinity about relationship.

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