by Sister Mary Kabat
This Sunday the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity -- God revealing himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- is the central mystery of our Christian faith. We profess our belief in the Holy Trinity every time we pray the Creed. We believe in one God of three Divine Persons distinct from each other and ever in relation to each other.
We don't need to understand the Holy Trinity to know that it is God's great plan of love for us. Through Jesus we know that God desires to share this Trinitarian life of love with us. Jesus invites us to fully participate in this life of loving communion with God. God as Trinity desires a relationship with us and desires to be engaged in our world for the good of all.
Let us celebrate the mystery of the Holy Trinity and pray to be ever more in communion with our God -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This verse of the hymn "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name" sums up this solemnity for me:
chapter 17,
US Catholic Catechism for Adults
by Sister Laura Zelten
As a Franciscan rooted in the Eucharist, I look to the writings of St. Francis to help me be Christ to others. I believe the following quote is how we are called to live as Christians rooted in the Eucharist.
The Admonitions of St. Francis
The awesome mystery of the Trinity reveals the essence of our God - a communion of persons in a relationship of TOTAL LOVE. I am in awe that God dwells in each of us, inviting me to say "Namaste." "The God in me worships the God in you." Thank you for your insights, Mary, and your invitation to let this mystery seep into our bones and being.