by Sister Lynne Marie Simonich
In the Gospel for the fifth Sunday of Easter, Jesus reminds his disciples that they have nothing to fear -- he has a place for them, a room he is preparing for them -- a place in his heavenly home. They aren't quite sure where this home is. We would probably try to find this home using a GPS, a Google search or Mapquest. Even with these we would not find it. We need Jesus!
Jesus is the map, the guide, the road, the way to the Father and to that eternal dwelling. Before we get to that home, however, we have work to do in our earthly dwelling. We are challenged to form a church where mercy and love, justice and peace are present with Jesus as our foundation. Our church "home" will welcome all people and be a place where God's compassion is shown in word and action. How will we continue to create that church home?
Jesus promises us that, if we believe, we will do the works that he did. That truth -- his presence with us -- will not fail us or leave us. Let us ask the Lord of Life to help us show others the way home where that heavenly dwelling awaits us.
To be at home in the Church family we need to be at home in our own home --loving and serving one another. Thank you, Lynn Marie, for your reflection.
Thank you Sister Lynn Marie for reminding me that I not only need to find my spiritual home on earth but also to show others so we can get to our heavenly dwelling.