Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for March 2, 2025

Reflection for March 2, 2025

Speaking from the heart

Let's choose words that reflect Christ

by Renae Bauer

Words matter.

According to Sunday's readings, we can learn much about ourselves and others by the language used. A passage from Sirach states: "... one's faults (appear) when one speaks". Jesus offers a similar message in Luke 6: "A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good, but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil; for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks."    

If this strikes a chord with you as it does with me then consider these resolutions -- the rest of Sunday's scriptures and Ash Wednesday. The Responsorial Psalm encourages us to give thanks to the Lord, proclaim the Lord and to sing the Lord's praises. As for Ash Wednesday? Forty days seems like the right time to practice and refine what Jesus preaches.


Sister Agnes Fischer
02/28/2025 10:26 am

You bet. But it still seems long to me. :-)

Al Herrman
03/01/2025 9:20 am

Message has been true through the ages. Especially relevant today. Thank you for providing these weekly insights.

Sister Ruth Ann
03/02/2025 8:05 am

Thanks for the reminder to "Bear good fruit" that will last. May our words reveal God's goodness and love.

03/02/2025 9:55 am

Thank you this reflection as we prepare for Ash Wednesday and Lent. Time to reflect on our lives as Catholic Christians.

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