As God's children we share in Christ's victory over evil
by Sister Laura Zelten
The readings for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time challenge us to expand our capacity to love and recognize the interconnectedness among all believers as members of God's spiritual family. The readings stress the consequences of disobedience, God's promise of salvation, the importance of trusting in Jesus, and following God's will.
Through reflection on redemption and spiritual kinship, we are urged to actively respond to God's call by seeking reconciliation and embracing His boundless mercy. By nurturing hope and faith, we can face life's trials with confidence in God's promises, knowing that His love and grace will guide us.
On this 10th Sunday of Ordinary time may we be inspired to a renewed dedication of embracing God's mercy, fostering unyielding hope and faith, and showing love and acceptance to all who seek to fulfill God's divine purpose.
Thank you Sr Laura for this reminder that Gods love and Grace are with us even as we struggle through life's challenges