Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI

Reflection for June 5, 2016

'God has visited his people' and shown abundant mercy

by Sister Annette Koss

In Sunday's Gospel, Luke shows Jesus' radical concern for the disadvantaged. Who is more disadvantaged than a widow whose sustenance has been cut off by the death of her sole provider, her son? The widow has no name, she was a representative of all who were poor and lowly. Luke declared God’s bottomless compassion on those who were powerless and completely dependent on God for their care.

Jesus has only to say the Spirit-filled word for there to be healing. The poor would have the good news proclaimed to them and the lost and the dead would be found and restored to life. Jesus’ compassion was translated into action through his simple command, his word.

For Luke, death was the same as being lost and life was tantamount to being found. Jesus welcomed the “lost dead son” with mercy and compassion.

The way to bring life in death-dealing situations is to extend that same compassion to the guilt- and blame-ridden family members sitting in our gathering places. We embrace, uphold and love people through the devastations of life.


The poor are all around us, young married try to start a life together. The widow who just lost her husband, the service person who has seen death and dying far to young, those who lost there memory and it go's on.

I don't know so much if I carried words into a compassionate presence but more a compassionate listening trusting God would guide.

It is so devastating to loose a 16 yr old granddaughter, but I have some comfort that she was an organ donor, and will help up to 50 people in need! I never knew REAL grief until now!


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