Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for June 20, 2021

Reflection for June 20, 2021

Jesus calms the storm

He guides us and comforts us in troubling times

by Sister Laura Zelten

When life tosses us about we need only to turn to Jesus for calm and safety. 

Sunday's Gospel from Mark (4:35-41) tells us of Jesus’ divine power not simply to impress upon us who Jesus is but to give us confidence that no matter what trouble affects us, no matter the storm we find ourselves in, those who trust Jesus can have confidence in his power to save. The disciples turn to Jesus for help in time of great need. They trust that Jesus can rescue them from the storm on the sea. 

Can you remember a time in your life when you experienced fear?  You may not have been on a body of water but you might have believed you would perish.  It might have been the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, financial difficulties, or a life-threatening medical condition.

How did you respond to this situation?  Did you trust Jesus?  Or did you react as the disciples did to the storm at sea: with fear and trembling?  Did you lose faith in God and Jesus?  During painful and difficult times, it is natural to question Jesus.  Yet, we need Jesus especially during the confusing and frightening times in our lives.  

Today we celebrate Father’s Day.  In my family we also celebrate my Dad’s 90th birthday.  I am grateful my Dad is  a person who amplifies Jesus’ virtues of love and security.  Throughout my life I have turned to him for advice, knowing he is a man of God. 

When I wanted to enter religious life, he was the first person I turned to for direction.  He calmed my anxious feelings of not feeling worthy enough and advised me to put my trust in Jesus’ call to serve.   He is an example of a man of great faith who clings to Jesus in times of storms. When mom died at a young age, he was there to provide love and security for my sisters and me.  Even in his loneliness he walked with us so we were not alone. 

Yes, like the disciples in the Gospel today we are called to trust in Jesus.  He will guide and comfort us in times of trouble.   Who is the person you turn to when you need the calm and comfort of Jesus? 


Diann Wimmer
06/18/2021 10:09 am

Thank you, Laura, for sharing this story of gratitude and love for your father. Tears came to my eyes as I read the note that, after the early death of your mother, he cared for you and your sisters. What a beautiful memory of a father responding with love to a great loss. Yes, he must be close to God !

Lois Trad
06/18/2021 11:43 am

Blessed are we who had fathers we could trust to help us make decisions - giving their assistance without judgment. Although : ) we "knew" he probably would have given a different solution to our dilemma and taken the responsibility for the impact on our lives from us.

06/19/2021 5:16 pm

Thanks, Laura, for this reflection. I am grateful for those who have stood next to me at times of fear or great need. It is beautiful to hear the role your dad has played in your vocation story.

06/20/2021 11:46 am

I have many who I can call on to be "Jesus" for me here on earth when I am in turmoil.

Good friends and family have supported me through some rough waters and for that I Thank God

Father Bill Jacobs
06/20/2021 1:29 pm

Thank you for your thoughtful Reflection. Congrats on your Dad celebrating # 90. Your reliance on him and what he meant to you was great. Blessings to you & all the Good Sisters,

In Christ's Daily Love.

Fr. Bill

P.S. I hope to be home in early September....

06/21/2021 8:44 am

Thank you, Laura, for yet another inspiring message. So grateful to your dad for giving you the guidance in your vocation journey. You are a blessing to all of us who know you.

06/21/2021 2:21 pm

Thank you, Laura, for sharing the 'gift' that is your father. I have a few stories of my "Dad," too, and how I know G O D has used him and his wisdom, kindness, and caring to instill in me a deep respect for 'life.'

Thank you, Renae, for how beautifully you always introduce each week's reflective message. You have a special 'knack' for honing in and capturing key messages. You also have a remarkable way of formulating an introductory question each week. It all comes from your 'spirit,' which is obviously 'filled with grace.' :)

This week you ask, "Who has modeled faith for you?" after summarizing how Laura's Dad "modeled faith to her family in difficult and uncertain times." Well done.

Because Juneteenth (June 19) is now an official holiday, commemorating Freedom Day for enslaved African Americans, I have been receiving many messages of education and support for this important national step in acknowledging the long-suffering and brutal injustice and evil of racism in our country. Having lived my childhood and growing up in the midst of the poverty and oppression of the Oneida People, I know how prejudice, discrimination, and racism tear away at human dignity and worth.

Those who have modeled courage, conviction, and faith for me have always included the oppressed who rise above that dark place to shed light, love, and strength for all others. These I hold in highest regard, knowing what they faced and endured will always be so much more than I, as a White woman. Their stories -- and their lives of courage and faith help me live through my 'dark times.' I am ever-grateful for them.

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