There are times to work and rest, in accordance with God's plans
by Sister Charlene Hockers
Do you enjoy gardening? Or sitting under the shade of a tree in an orchard? If so, you are in the right place to ponder Sunday's readings.
In the parable, Jesus likens the kingdom of God to a man scattering seed on the land and then watching the seed sprout and grow. The gardener needs to prepare the soil, plant the seeds, water, and pull weeds in order to have a productive garden. Eventually the seeds sprout, grow, and produce a harvest. The kingdom is also like the mustard seed which grows into a huge tree with branches that the birds can dwell in its shade. Ezekiel in the first reading speaks of the tender branch torn from the top of the cedar which is then planted on the mountaintop. There, too, the birds dwell on the branches or beneath them to be in the shade. Those birds give glory to God just by being there.
In our lives, we plant many seeds of love and service to others. For some of those seeds we see the productive results; others we never see. But we know that the planting and nurturing give glory to God and witness our love to others. The harvest may come at a later time. And then we can sit under the shade of the tree that was planted by someone a long time ago and enjoy the harvest that someone before us has produced.
Enjoy the beauty of the flowers and the newly planted gardens that are around you. Sit in the shade of God's abundant love and blessings. We give glory to God in the planting as well as by enjoying the harvest done by others.
Yes, the garden of life is the perfect spot to soak in God's love as we grow together. Thank you, Sr. Charlene!