by Sister Lynne Marie Simonich
Every so often life gives us a gift of beauty in a sunset, in a snowfall, in the goodness of another person. Sometimes it comes when we least expect it. Sometimes it’s right in front of us but we haven’t been paying attention. It is something that is real – it is a piece of the glory of God.
Peter, James and John saw the “glory of God” as Jesus was transfigured before their eyes on a mountaintop. They saw what is in store for all of us when we meet God face to face. They were taken into the presence of the divine when they heard the voice say “This is my chosen Son.” Their experience must have remained in their hearts for a long time.
Thanks for a great reflection on this week's gospel.
Today I see God's glory in the melting snow with the hint of spring! Thanks for your reflection!
I really like the idea about "pieces" of God's glory being glimpsed here and there when we are present. Thank you for a lovely reflection.
I see the "Glory of God" in my children, as they care day to day for my grandchildren. It is such a warm spiritual feeling.
I'm seeing the glory of God with my family in sunny warm AZ.
I see God's glory in the glee of women in my Bible Study who have had little religious education, but are now finding God's Word full of hope and promise for their lives.
I see the glory of God in every person I met for we are all a part of this beautiful mystery! Thank you for a beautiful reflection.
I saw the glory of God today at a funeral reception as cousins reminisced about all the fun times they had in their youthful years.
I see the glory of God in everybody and in all creatures; especially, I see glimpses of Jesus in each person. Everybody, being made in the image and likeness of God, also seems to have at least one spiritual attribute in their character that reveals Jesus to me. All of nature reveals at least one aspect of the personality of God to me. I love all of my brothers and sisters, be they human or animal and celebrate the glory of God that He reveals to me in them! Many thanks for the great reflection!
Thank you for your invitation to see God in all things.