by Sister Charlene Hockers
As the season of spring begins, we eagerly await signs of new life: birds singing in the trees and building their nests, patches of grass turning green, daffodils and crocuses pushing their way up from the ground.
As we celebrate the great feast of Easter we experience new life to the fullest. We fix our eyes on what is above, knowing what the empty tomb really points to. Christ is now risen from the dead and in Him we share in the promise of eternal life. We need to stay anchored in the joy of Easter. Resurrection is the core of our faith. We will be raised up!
Mary Magdalene, Peter and John witness to the Resurrection. We, too, need to witness the Risen Lord each day as we live out our lives of prayer and service.
Jesus, you are alive! Alleluia! In you I live and move and have my being. May the joy and peace granted by the Risen Lord bring life-giving light into our lives. Amen.
How will we witness to the Risen Lord in our life today?
chapter 12,
US Catholic Catechism for Adults
by Sister Lynne Marie Simonich
"Based on our love of God and neighbor, we are granted
entrance to heaven into communion with God, to a period of
purification, or to eternal separation from God."
(Catholic Catechism 1021-1022)
"Those who die in God's grace and friendship enter into 'heaven'
... Heaven is perfect existence with the Holy Trinity; it is
communion of life and love with Christ and all those who believe in
him and remained faithful to him. All who died in God's friendship
but are still imperfect in their love for God are assured of
eternal salvation; but after death they undergo purification ... or
cleansing of sins - purgatory ... If we reject God's love by
remaining in mortal sin (willful turning away from God), we
separate ourselves from God forever. The state of 'definitive
self-exclusion from communion with God and the community of the
blessed' is referred to as 'hell.'" (CC 1023-1033)
"It is our responsibility to make use of our freedom and to pursue the path of daily conversion in view of our eternal life. Our profession of faith in God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, culminates in the proclamation of the resurrection of the dead on the last day and in life everlasting." (CC 988)
Thank you Sister Charlene and all Sisters who have shared your Spirit during this Lenten Season. Happy Easter!