Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Dec. 29, 2024

Reflection for Dec. 29, 2024

Celebrating the Feast of the Holy Family

Honoring relationships, building community, and caring for creation

by Sister Sally Ann Brickner

Nuclear --> Community --> Living Earth

On the Sunday between Christmas and its octave, the Catholic Church invites us to celebrate the feast of the Holy Family. Who is that “Holy Family?” Traditionally, it is the nuclear family of Jesus, His holy Mother Mary, His Foster Father, Joseph. Our providential God provides loving care of Jesus through His earthly parents. So, too, with us, we have been nurtured by our parents, grandparents, and extended family. In turn, the Book of Sirach proclaims that we are to obey, to honor and reverentially care for them when they grow old.

St. Paul extends familial relationships to include all God’s chosen ones in Colossae.  He directs them, and us in our own circumstances, to put on the virtues of heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, bearing with each other and forgiving each other in the name of Jesus to the glory of God. As we grow in wisdom and grace our sense of community extends ever wider to include every person who has been created in God’s image.

More than 2,000 years from the time of the early Church, our knowledge and understanding of community have expanded to include the living planet Earth. James Lovelock (1919-2022) proposed that living and non-living parts of Earth interact to form a complex self-regulating system comprised of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, and geosphere. Within this system is humankind. As conscious beings, humans can reflect upon, consider, and care about Mother Earth so that she can continue to sustain vibrant life for present and future generations of all species. In Laudato Si’ (2015) and Laudate Deum (2023) Pope Francis expressed the urgency of our care for God’s creation.

And so, on this feast of the Holy Family, we pray …

  • For families, that they may strengthen the bonds of charity that hold them in unity, we pray …
  • For faith communities, that they may grow in mutual love and compassionate care for each member, we pray …
  • For our living planet Earth, that its elements – especially humankind – may interact in life-sustaining ways that will benefit future generations, we pray …


12/27/2024 7:57 am

So beautifully worded, Sr. Sally Ann. Our call to love and clearly see we are all one. Thank you.

12/27/2024 10:05 am

Thank you for your reflections on family that extends to our sense of community and to every person created in God's image. We are called to compassion, kindness, patience, forgiving one another.

“Bobbie” Reinhart
12/27/2024 2:20 pm

I am blessed with a wonderful family. My son calls me 5 days a week and we have fun conversations! He is almost retired and just joined the Knights of Columbus, volunteers for Holy Hour at his church and just joined the finance committee. Wow, I am a proud Mom!!!! God has really blessed me!

Jackie Thiry
12/27/2024 9:14 pm

Sister Sally Ann- I always appreciate your wisdom and love of God's creation.

Diann Wimmer
12/28/2024 10:43 am

Thank you, Sally Ann, for this thoughtful reflection: an invitation to direct our prayer and concern to Families, Communities and Mother Earth. Blessings in the New Year 2025!

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