Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Dec. 18, 2022

Reflection for Dec. 18, 2022

Beyond reason

Foreshadowing of Emmanuel  calls for faith, not fact

by Sister Carolyn Zahringer

The four candles of Advent have names. The first is hope. The second is love. The third is joy. The fourth is peace.  Sister Joan Chittister in her December Monastic Way reflection states: “Peace is not an event; it is a state of mind and an attitude of soul.” Ponder that statement for a moment.

In the first reading we hear Isaiah (7:14) proclaim: “Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son; and his name will be called Emmanuel.” Emmanuel translates to “God is with us.” In the Gospel (Mt. 1:23) we hear those same words repeated. Joseph heard those words in a dream. The dream invited him to move beyond human reason to respond in faith and take Mary as his wife. That decision made all the difference.

  • What might be our personal invitation to go beyond human reason to a deep faith response to life?
  • How can the impact of the four weeks of Advent be made visible in our choices to live in hope, share our love, live with joy and be an instrument of peace?

Trust in God and do the next right things.  Have a blessed week. Merry Christmas!


Sister Laura
12/16/2022 7:39 am

Thanks, Sr Carrie, for the very thought-provoking reflection. I love Sr Joan's quote and yes will need a long pause to reflect on it. Blessings on this last week of Advent.

Ellen Kane
12/16/2022 9:43 am

Beautiful, Sr. Carrie, peace is mindful and soulful and a vital way to live life. I love the names of each candle of the Advent wreath. Thanks for reminding us of the simplicity of the season, yet not easy to carry out. May you all be well and at peace.

12/16/2022 10:11 am

Thanks, Carrie, for bringing up the names of the four candles. And, I appreciate your invitaiton to go beyond human reason to a deep faith!

Joseph Van Beek
12/17/2022 3:22 pm

Thank you so much for the reflection sister! It is true and beautiful! ??

Debbie Tahany
12/18/2022 8:16 pm

"Trust in God and do the next things right." Something to carry me through this week. Thanks Carrie!

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