Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Aug. 18, 2024

Reflection for Aug. 18, 2024

Bread, wine and the Banquet of Life

Jesus promises  us living bread

by Renae Bauer

There is a beauty and richness in our Church’s bread and wine that defies words. Much of this is on display in Sunday’s readings, beginning with the first reading from the Book of Wisdom. We are invited to God’s banquet where the richness of God’s ways is described as dressed meat and mixed wine. The second reading calls us to be filled with the Spirit (rather than earthly wine), and to give thanks for all that we are given.

Finally, in the Gospel we hear more from the Bread of Life Discourse. Jesus proclaims, “I am the living bread.” Much like the Vine and Branches metaphor (“I am the vine, you are the branches .. Remain in me, as I remain in you”) we are again invited to ever-lasting life offered by and through Jesus.  

Bread and wine. We have eternal life because of Him.


Sister Agnes Fischer
08/16/2024 8:54 am

Thanks, Renae. It's good to be reminded now and then.


Diann Wimmer
08/16/2024 3:41 pm

Thank you, Renae, for this reflection, especially the reference to bread and wine as LIFE. To Jesus and the people of Israel, bread and wine was the main part of their daily food. They had prayers assigned to the gifts of bread and wine. How wise of Jesus to use the gifts as spiritual LIFE for all.

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