by Sister Laura Zelten
The Risen Lord appears before His apostles on Easter night, the first time since His arrest. He comes bearing gifts, the gifts flowing from the Resurrection. Jesus wishes to share these gifts with His disciples and with us.
The Gospel reminds us that Easter offers unique gifts. The Risen Lord brings these gifts when he appears to the disciples who are hiding behind closed doors. The crippling fear they suffer is released.
Jesus brings peace to them, peace that stands for all God's blessings that can enrich human life. He breathes the Holy Spirit on them so they can offer God's forgiveness to all who seek it. Finally, Jesus gives the gift of faith, the ability to believe without seeing, to read the signs God so generously scatters throughout our world.
chapter 12, US Catholic Catechism for
by Sister Lynne Marie Simonich
We celebrated the great Feast of Easter with joy and "Alleluias" knowing that Jesus rose from the dead and giving us certain hope that we will one day be united in eternity with God! Sin has no power over us.
The promise of the resurrection gives us much to reflect upon.
We know that our lives are not perfect and sin is present in our
world. Our Lenten theme encouraged all to receive the Sacrament of
Reconciliation and to continue to do so throughout our journey in
life. How will each of us carry out that theme?
Why is our belief in the resurrection of our bodies important? How
does that belief affect our lives? Read more about this topic in
US Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Thanks, Laura, You are a beautiful gift to the church and to us.