Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for April 3, 2022

Reflection for April 3, 2022

What matters

'Go and sin no more' is all about moving forward

by Sister Agnes Fischer

To Christ our past doesn’t matter.

  • To Christ it doesn’t matter what the woman who was brought to him had done. What matters is her future.
  • In this Lent of 2022 it doesn’t matter what we have done in the past, rather what we’re going to do from now on.
  • It doesn’t matter how many sins we have committed, but that we are resolved to not commit them again.
  • It doesn’t matter that we have fallen, but that we are determined, with His help, to get up.
  • It doesn’t matter if we have died, but that we want to rise.

To Christ it is not our past that matters, but our future.

And so we place our hope in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, not to reprimand us but to hear the words of Jesus, “Neither will I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”


04/01/2022 6:07 am

I enjoy reading your inspirational messages.

04/01/2022 6:48 am

Thank you for your healing and reconciling message, Sr. Agnes!

May we all "take it to heart!"

The difference between "sin" and "saint" is "at ....." "AT the foot of the cross ......"

04/01/2022 10:16 am

Thank you Sr. for that comforting and reassuring message, we are so blessed to have Jesus as our Savior.

Millie HAYES
04/01/2022 7:34 pm

Thanks Aggie

Rev. William J. Jacobs, Jr.
04/03/2022 5:17 am

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this special weekend, as we prepare for Passion/Palm Sunday next week. The questions regarding "what matters" were precious.

My best to all the Sisters....

Thanks so very much!

Father Bill Jacobs

Lois Vandermause
04/03/2022 5:38 pm

Great reflection! We all need to hear this! Thank you!

Sr. Rose Jochmann
04/08/2022 9:31 am

I always appreciate your clear and concise suggestions!

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