Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for April 20, 2014

Reflection for April 20, 2014

Alleluia! Jesus the Christ is risen!

by Sister Mary Kabat

We have made the journey of Lent and completed the Easter Triduum. Now we join all the faithful in celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the opening prayer at Mass we hear, "Jesus has conquered death and unlocked for us the path to eternity." It is truly an Alleluia day!

As you hear and reflect on the Gospel story this Easter, with whom do you identify?

All became believers in the resurrection and proclaimers of Jesus the Christ. We pray that you may know the comfort and joy, the peace and life-changing blessing of Easter, and that you will share the paschal mystery of death and life with all you meet along the journey of life.


Hello Sister Mary,

I must say, all three choices here, give me pause.

I certainly identify with Mary of Magdala, whose love for the One who had given her Life, Hope, and Joy, was like no other.

And I certainly relate to Peter and John, who wanted soooo much to believe that the wicked nightmare they had just witnessed and been a part of, could somehow be un-done - or not so - or not "the end ..."

But your third option ... "fear about their future" sure rings a bell with me right now, and I realize how much I am in need of the reassuring Presence of the Living God in my life, in the life of my family, and in the life of the world!

Thank you for helping me relate to these Biblical characters in very real and true ways. It certainly affects how I "hear" and "feel" and "experience" our on-going story of salvation, of healing, of empowerment.


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