Sister Jane Riha was the first of four children born to Leona and Arthur Riha. She grew up on a dairy farm near Tisch Mills, Wis. The small village and the parish, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (now known as St. Isidore the Farmer), were the center for activities and community gatherings.
During her grade school years, she met the Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross who came to catechize the children of her parish for part of the summer. Inspired by the witness of warmth, kindness and good humor of the Sisters, she grew in a deep desire to be one of them.
She entered the high school of the Sisters and graduated in 1963. In fall 1963, she was received as one of the 22 postulants entering the community. After first profession of vows in 1966, Sister Jane and her classmates moved to Milwaukee to continue their formation and complete their degrees. She has a bachelor's degree from Marquette University, a master's degree from Cardinal Stritch University, both in Milwaukee, and a master's in educational administration from Boston College.
Sister Jane's ministries have been varied and diverse including elementary school teacher, principal, consultant in the Education Department for the Diocese of Green Bay, coordinator of Hispanic pastoral ministry in the Fox Valley, coordinator of Hispanic ministry formation in the Ministry Formation Department of the Diocese of Green Bay, and parish director/pastoral leader.
Sister Jane served her religious congregation for many years as formation director and twice as a member of the Leadership Team.
She is deeply grateful to her religious community for the vision of Church, the Franciscan way of life, spiritual and educational experiences, and the support of her Sisters in community during these 60 years.
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