Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI

Sisters help break ground for Heritage and Research Center

LOOKING TO THE FUTURE:  Nine religious institutions helped break ground for the new Heritage and Research Center (HARC). Participating in the ceremony from our Community were, sixth from left, Sister Jane Riha; seventh, Sister Agnes Fischer; and eighth, Sister Rose Jochmann. (photo provided by HARC)

Facility to honor and make available the impact of Women Religious

by Sister Mary Kabat

On July 26, the Leadership Team (Sisters Rose Jochmann, Jane Riha, Mary Kabat) and Archivist Sister Agnes Fischer traveled to Notre Dame, Indiana, for the ground-breaking ceremony of the Heritage and Research Center (HARC) at  St. Mary’s College. It was a dream five years in the making.

Religious women have made a tremendous impact on the history of the United States – in education, health care, social services, parish leadership and more. Institutions established by women religious continue to serve people in every state. Many religious congregations are searching for a way to preserve their history into the future. We, along with eight other congregations and St. Mary’s College, have chosen the college’s site. Sisters Agnes Fischer and Mary Kabat attended the first meeting of dreamers five years ago with representatives from more than 50 congregations.

The mission of the center is to preserve and honor the rich history of women religious and their sponsored ministries. It will not be a place where the history is merely stored. It will be a place where the history will be studied, displayed, and shared. The vision of the center is to be a place where the public will become aware of and inspired by the work of Catholic Sisters, past and present.

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