Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI

40 years of Franciscan friendship

Sisters and Associates nurture faith through prayer, mission  and fellowship

by Renae Bauer

Men and women drawn to the Franciscan spirit have joined the Sisters in the Associate Relationship for 40 years. This bond has been a powerful journey for both Sisters and Associates, deepening their connection to Jesus through shared prayer, education, outreach, and fellowship.

The Associate Relationship was first envisioned during the Sisters’ 1981 Chapter Meeting. By May 20, 1984, this vision came to life with the entry of the first Associates — Dorothy Browne, Mary Ellen Poirier, Loretta Dyer, Muriel  De Namur, and Marlene Brown—under the guidance of Sister Joanne Goessl.

From all walks of life

Over the decades, the group has expanded tenfold, embracing individuals from diverse professions — including farmers, factory workers, teachers, medical professionals, and social workers —into the Associate Relationship.

In the late 1990s, the Associate Relationship was temporarily paused to refine its inquiry process and define the role of Associates. By joining the Wisconsin/Midwest Kindred Spirits (MKS) and the North American Conference of Associates and Religious (NACAR), the Sisters gained valuable education and support, enhancing their understanding of the Associate movement and how Associates could actively embrace the Community’s charism.

One example of the Sister/Associate synergy is the founding of Wellspring, a house of hospitality for women. This dream began with two Sisters and two Associates who envisioned a place of respite and hospitality on Green Bay’s west side. After visiting a drop-in center in Minnesota, the dream gained momentum. On March 4, 1996, Sisters Francis Bangert and Nancy Langlois, and Associates Nancy Verber and Doris Peterson shared their vision with the Community. Six weeks later, the group of four had grown to include more Sisters and lay professionals, meeting monthly to pursue its idea. The group presented it vision and strategies for the ministry at the 1997 Chapter Meeting. With the Community’s affirmation, Wellspring opened on May 13, 1998, at 412 Dousman St.,  Green Bay. 

Wellspring for women

In the following 12 years, Associates helped renovate each Wellspring location, from painting and repairing to reconfiguring bathroom facilities. They also partnered with the Sisters to staff Wellspring, aiming to welcome each guest with compassion, non-judgment and understanding, and to assist her in her needs. In 2011, the Sisters transferred Wellspring to Lutheran Social Services. Wellspring is now a ministry of St. John Ministries in Green Bay.

Sisters and Associates collaborated on another outreach, this time to serve the educational needs of students in Tunica, Miss. The “Tuned into Tunica” project collected more than a 1,000 pounds of school supplies for the Sacred Heart Southern Missions’ after-school program, for which Sister Marietta Samz was an educator. Sister Jane Riha was Sacred Heart’s director of education and oversaw the after-school program along with other educational ministries. Together, the Sisters and Associates packed and transported the supplies to Tunica in 1993.

Prayer, presence, hospitality 

In more recent years, Sisters and Associates have collaborated on other outreach efforts. They have hosted both in-person and online prayer events for Lent, Advent and the summer series titled “Silence & Sunset”. They have also supported UW-Green Bay students with meal outreach and contributed to the Sisters’ Fall Bazaar through homemade goods and service. The relationship and outreach are possible because of the Spirit of God. Prayer is and has been the cornerstone, strengthened through daily Mass, spiritual renewal, and daily prayer of the Franciscan Morning and Evening Praise book. 

As the Sisters and Associates celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Associate Relationship, it’s easy to see it has been a mutually blessed friendship. Through faith, community and service, the Sisters and Associates have lived out Gospel values in new ways that might not have been possible without each other. Their commitment to each other continues to inspire and uplift as they share the spirit of St. Francis with all.

ABOVE:  Among our first Associates in 1984 were, from left, Muriel De Namur, Loretta Dyer, Dorothy Browne, and Mary Ellen Poirier. Missing is Marlene Brown. (file photo)

BELOW:  Helping out at the Community’s place of peace for women are, clockwise from top left, Sister Agnes Fischer, Associate Laurie Rettmann, Associate Don Rettmann, Sister Claudette Jeanquart and Sister Margaret Mary Halbach. (file photo)


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