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Living Ornaments
Last January, as the Christmas season drew to a close, I dismantled our tree and put all my decorations away for another year. A little later, as I looked around my room, I discovered an ornament still hanging from a floor lamp that stands by the chair where I pray each morning. At that moment I was tired and decided just to leave it there. It has been hanging there ever since. It consists of four letters attached to one another, and together they spell the word, “HOPE”. Read More
Jumping out of bed
It was 5:30 a.m. on an icy cold Saturday in February and my alarm clock was ringing. How I wanted to stay in my cozy comfortable bed and get a little more peaceful sleep. However, I quickly called to mind the words that the Jesuit priest Pedro Arrupe had written: ”Love is what makes you get up in the morning.” Read More
Electing a Franciscan campaign
As our country prepares for a presidential election, our neighborhoods are dotted with signs encouraging residents to vote for one candidate or the other. In the midst of all the hype surrounding the election I recently noticed a number of signs around our parish property and on the street where I live. Black and white, and of the same size as the presidential signs, they carry a simple but profound message: “God for a change!” Read More
Experiencing the Presence of God
In addition to wearing a mask, staying home, and practicing social distancing during the current pandemic, I developed that habit of walking long distances every day. I would usually walk along the sidewalk surrounding the athletic fields of a nearby high school. As Lent turned into Easter, I became more and more anxious. I was scheduled to help direct retreats at the Jesuit Retreat House at Oshkosh during weekends in April and May. I was also scheduled to make my own retreat there later in June. Read More
From the beginning
Looking back at my own life in a small Polish parish, I recognize very early signs of my call to religious life: being in the first grade Christmas pageant, experiencing my First Holy Communion as one of the happiest days of my life, becoming acquainted with the rhythm of the liturgical year, singing in the choir, helping the Sisters clean the sanctuary of the church, playing “church” at home and learning the altar server prayers by heart in Latin (although I couldn’t serve). Read More
Where does your deep gladness meet the world's deep need?
Pope Francis says, “The Lord’s call is not an intrusion of God in our freedom; it is not a 'cage' or a burden to be borne. On the contrary, it is the loving initiative whereby God encounters us and invites us to be part of a great undertaking. He opens before our eyes the horizon of a greater sea and an abundant catch.” Read More
Light from the Mountain
The message was there before the retreat began. Read More
Do you see the star in your spiritual sky?
Ice skating under the stars has one Sister think about the Feast of the Epiphany Read More
Waiting in darkness
Advent challenges us to trust that the Light will come Read More
Giving thanks to God
Through our trials and for our dreams, we are deeply loved by God Read More
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