Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Oct. 6, 2013

Reflection for Oct. 6, 2013

In the midst of life's struggles, God provides strength and wisdom

by Sister Agnes Fischer

"Lord, increase our faith" because we are no more than servants:

In the midst of so much hardship, help us remember that you feed the birds who don't plant or harvest, and clothe the grass which doesn't spin or weave.

In the midst of sickness, humiliation and grief, help us remember that you told us your burden is light.

In the midst of problems with son, daughter or spouse, help us remember that you promised to be with us always.

In the midst of this monotonous daily workload, help us remember the honest carpenter's trade you plied.

In the midst of all the commercial hype, help us remember that you are more worthy of our confidence than any material possession.


Chapter 32, US Catholic Catechism for Adults

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Eighth Commandment

by Sister Laura Zelten

God is the source of all truth.  Christ Jesus not only teaches the truth, he speaks of himself saying, "I am the truth" (Jn. 14:6). The Eighth Commandment urges us to tell the truth and to avoid lies in all forms. We are to be truthful in our words and actions. Any misrepresentation of the truth is a violation of this commandment.


Sister Agnes,

Thank you so much for that very beautiful and simple reflection. It moved me.

Thanks Ag, beautiful and thought provoking!


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